A FAMILY RETREAT DVDBy Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen12 ConferencesOver 6 hours Take a spiritual retreat with one of the most beloved preachers of our times. Archbishop Sheen instructs the faithful on topics such as Confession, the Mass, sexual activity as understood by the Catholic Church, the nature of love and more. One of the best…
Here it is by popular demand: A Sing-A-Long for Little Children! This live-action music video is from the best-selling Prayers for Little Children, The Rosary for Little Children and A Christmas for Little Children. And it includes four brand new songs. That s twelve songs in all! Fullscreen. Hosted by Jennifer Naimo, A Sing-A-Long for…
Since the 1960s, Saul Alinsky s words and famous work, Rules for Radicals , have influenced political tactics and theories, especially on issues concerning social justice. Behind his thesis lurks a deadly agenda that threatens the very core beliefs of Christianity and the Church. Discover how Alinsky successfully pulled the wool over society s eyes…
Revealed to you during this FOCUS special is the Direction for Our Times as mystically given to Anne , a lay apostle. After viewing this presentation, you will be convinced – Heaven Speaks! In this FOCUS video, Heaven Speaks to Priests, Archbishop Philip Hannan and Anne , discuss the messages given to priests, by God the…
My child, I speak today to all souls who have fallen away. It is time to come back to me now. I call you, you hear my voice and you know it is I, your Jesus Christ, who calls out to you. The fact that you know my voice tells you that you belong to…
In Number 7 of the Volumes Direction for Our Times, a series of fascinating saints come to life, as they speak directly to Anne , a lay apostle. Each saint that spoke to her explained how they were inflamed with the love of Christ, yet struggled with the same temptations and spiritual battles that each…
It’s February 11, 1858. Three girls from Lourdes, France, gather firewood in front of a grotto. Suddenly one of them, Bernadette Soubirous, 14, drops to her knees, gazes ecstatically at something beautiful only she can see, and starts to pray. Soon the town buzzes: Has Bernadette, poor, sickly, and always behind in school, really seen…
Here it is! A DVD of redeeming value! The Best of Little Children features Broadway and Hollywood actress Jennifer Naimo. Through these children s videos, Jennifer has ministered to thousands of little children and led them closer to Jesus. In this DVD, your little children will learn to pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy, the…
Join Brother Francis as he shows us what the Sacrament of Confirmation is, what it does, and why Jesus promised it to us! This episode includes: The Parable of the Good Shepherd: an entertaining yet meaningful reminder of how Jesus, our shepherd, calls us by name and makes us His sheep! The Baptism of Jesus:…
Children will see their favorite Sunday school stories through the eyes of America s newest bug friends in this animated series narrated by Willie Aames. DVDs include bonus games. Ages 6-10. The Hebrew people want to reach the Promised Land, but the enemy city of Jericho stands in their way, until a woman named Rahab…
A Lot to Swallow: The Story of Jonah — Jonah is given a mission by God but chooses to disobey and instead boards a ship going in the opposite direction. Thrown overboard during a storm, he survives three days in the belly of a whale where he repents and is given a second opportunity to…
Children will see their favorite Sunday school stories through the eyes of America s newest bug friends in this animated series narrated by Willie Aames. DVDs include bonus games. Your child will enjoy these entertaining stories and along the way will learn about the value of forgiveness. Ages 6-10. Joseph was sold into slavery by…
The Story of the Tower of Babel Nimrod oversees the construction of a huge tower, intended to be so high it will reach to God. But God has a plan to stop the building project. Soon everyone is speaking different languages, resulting in chaos, frustration, and an end to the project. Morale is low in…
The Story of Daniel Daniel has achieved great success in working for King Darius, and the other workers become jealous. They trick the king into making a law saying that no one can pray to any god except him. When Daniel is found praying to God, he is thrown into the lions den where he…
Joy to the World: The Christmas Story — When an angel appears to Mary and explains that she s going to have God s baby, Mary agrees to do whatever God would have her do. She and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for the census, but when they arrive at the inn, there is no room…