Cardinal Bernardin showed great wisdom and deep compassion in leading the flock under his care. Unfortunately, his life among us was cut too short by the ravages of cancer. This pamphlet includes a brief spiritual biography of this popular and beloved shepherd, followed by reflections on particular aspects of his life, and questions that can…
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Daniel Korn An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: James McCurry An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
By: Anthony F. Chiffolo An Hour With pamphlets give busy Catholics an opportunity to turn everything off for an hour and spend time with the wisdom of a canonized saint or revered religious leader, creating a time of reflection, recollection, learning, contemplation and prayer. 24 pages. Paperback.
Shortly after being ordained in 1600, Vincent s life changed forever when pirates sold him into slavery in northern Africa. When he was freed two years later, he dedicated his life to working for the poor and involving the laity in charitable works. This pamphlet includes a brief spiritual biography of this heroic servant of…
St. Francis de Sales, known as the Apostle of Love, reaches out to all through this small book, showing that devotion is available to everyone in every walk of life and occupation. 192 pages.
“Angels are a large part of reality and, as with other large parts of reality—speeding Mack trucks, for example, or looming brick walls—we benefit greatly from their service, and we ignore them at our peril.”—From the Introduction Angels are everywhere—as a matter of fact, right at your side. Forget the sweet-faced cherubs of popular culture,…
Through the Apostles, we come to Jesus himself —Pope Benedict XVI In this fascinating and inspirational journey with the chosen disciples of Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI demonstrates a profound, unbreakable continuity — built upon the foundation of the Apostles and alive in the succession of the Apostles — by which Christ is present today in…
His cause for canonization is progressing, and his videos and books are widely viewed and in persistent demand. But of all his writings, Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s most influential and practical guides, by far, were These Are the Sacraments and Three to Get Married. These two books are once again available in this rich single volume, along with comprehensive…
“Are you saved?” is a common Christian question, but how do Catholics respond? Salvation is not just an event—it’s also a process of transformation into being like Christ. Are You Saved?, a booklet in The Curious Catholic series, was created to help draw busy Catholics closer to God by outlining the theology of salvation in everyday language….
Amazing Nearness is a beautiful, personal, priestly reflection on the importance of Eucharistic adoration in Catholic life. Father Dajczer wants you to discover the joy and profound gift that comes when you truly encounter Jesus in the Eucharist. This book is an exceptional commentary on Pope Benedict XVI s encyclical, Deus Caritas Est. In the…