Get even more out of the book Fr. Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D., calls a complete blueprint of the spiritual journey. This new Fulfillment of All Desire Study Guide is designed to deepen your knowledge, draw you into prayer, and strengthen your relationship with God. It walks you through the essentials of each stage on your journey to God,…
The Gift of Hope is an accessible Advent resource that offers a scripture verse and brief reflection for each day of Advent and the Christmas season and makes an affordable introduction to the themes of the Holy Cross spiritual tradition. Readers will experience the vision of the Congregation to educate both the mind and the…
By Brother Victor-Antoine d Avila-LatourretteInspired by the example and words from the Master, Br. Victor-Antoine encourages readers to strive for the attitude of simplistic living expressed in the Gospels. Using lessons from Scripture, he reminds us of what can be gained by living a life less cluttered by modern distractions and petty grievances to find…
St. Alphonsus Liguori, the Prince of Moral Theologians, was one of the greatest preachers in Church history. A religious founder, far-reaching theologian, and holy man of God, St. Alphonsus never fails to utter a stirring word that draws out a lively penitence and redoubled dedication to the work of God from his audience. He was…
The Life & Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter (1816-1848) on Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. At Tours, France, she received this devotion from Our Lord 1) to fight Communism, 2) to make reparation, 3) to be an unfailing tool of prayer. Approved worldwide. 256 pages. Paperback.
Concise Bible History provides a clear, easy-to-read survey of the history of our salvation. This compact, illustrated Bible history offers an excellent introduction to the Bible for individuals, parish study groups, and elementary and high schools. Concise Bible History is a valuable, informative resource for all who wish to participate in the study of Sacred…
Don’t just read the words of the Bible … understand them. The Great Adventure Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The narrative approach gives the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together. This is the only Bible that incorporates The Great Adventure’s color-coded Bible Timeline learning system, a system that has made The Great Adventure Bible study resources the most…
A Catholic Bible That Also Teaches You How to Read it. Now available in a volume-discounted paperback edition, this Bible will help your parish, school, or small group read and understand the story of salvation. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. Jeff Cavins, author of the hugely popular Great Adventure® Bible Study Program…
The great Catholic apologist and historian Hilaire Belloc examines the five most destructive heretical movements in Christianity: Arianism, Mohammedanism (Islam), Albigensianism, Protestantism, and Modernism. Belloc describes how these movements began, how they spread, and how they have continued to influence the world. He accurately predicts the re- emergence of militant Islam and its violent aggression…
In modernity, the word love is one of the most commonly misused and abused in our language. Devoid of order, misconceptions about love run rampant, steeped as we are in narcissism, secular humanism, relativism, and hedonism. Separated from God, society tragically propagates a notion of love that is, in truth, the antithesis of authentic love. Now more than…
The Work that appears today on the Green Scapular with its origin and the countless favors of which it is the instrument, has been in demand for a long time. It is true, its origin remained shrouded in an almost impenetrable mystery, upon which however, people were most anxious to be enlighted. One can easily…
This new children s Christmas book by bestselling author Anthony DeStefano tells the story of a mean-spirited, prideful old ox who has lost his sight both physically and spiritually but who nevertheless experiences the transformative power of God s grace after he is present at the birth of Jesus Christ in a humble stable in…
Working mom Michelle Schroeder knows how busy we all are, so she packs a lot of info into this brief, easy-to-read booklet. You will not only explore the nuts and bolts of Eucharistic Adoration but also discover great reasons and times to enter into the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, including: When life is…
Confession. Reconciliation. Penance. It’s a sacrament with many names, but most of us seem to have a similar reaction to it: Do I have to go? It’s been too long. Doesn’t God already know I’m sorry? I don’t remember how to do it. I’m embarrassed. I’m scared. Michelle Schroeder has been there. She admits to…
Try to picture the person of the Holy Spirit. You ll probably think of a dove, or a tongue of fire, or a gust of wind. While those are common symbols of the Third Person of the Trinity, they don t quite capture who he is or help us relate to him like we relate…
Are you in pain? Do you suffer from a serious illness? God wants to set you free! The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same miracle-working power that flowed from the life of Christ is available to you right now. All you need to do is tap…