“Step by step, I retreated from God and went forth to meet the world, the flesh, and the devil. . . . I’d join the devil himself. . . . There is no doubt that I traveled with him at my side and that he extorted a great price for his company.” This is how…
We often think of demons appearing only in extravagant and extraordinary manifestations or working only through “bad” people. But the truth is more frightening than that. Most demonic activity takes place undetected, under the radar, and can even be hidden in our own prayer lives and in the churches where we attend Mass. Subtlety, illusion,…
“I went from an indifferent apathetic Sunday Mass attending Catholic Christian to an on fire Catholic Christian in a few short years. What reignited my faith? The many encounters I had with the occult and diabolical.” So says renowned Catholic apologist and retired veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Jesse Romero. Now for…
From 1899 until her death in 1903, the young Italian woman St. Gemma Galgani physically experienced the wounds of Christ every Thursday evening. The stigmata would appear and bleed on her hands, feet, and side, stopping only on Friday afternoon and leaving white marks as a reminder. St. Gemma also experienced countless visions, raptures, ecstasies,…
The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul is the book that sparked the Divine Mercy Movement. Now available in this deluxe burgundy edition, the Diary chronicles God s message given through St. Faustina to the world to turn to His mercy. In it, we are reminded to trust the Divine…
The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska – Divine Mercy in My Soul is the book that sparked the Divine Mercy movement. The Diary chronicles God s message given through St. Faustina to the world to turn to His mercy. In it, we are reminded to trust the Divine Mercy in Jesus and seek His…
The Didache Bible presents extensive commentaries, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, for each of the books of the Holy Bible. It also includes numerous apologetical inserts to assist the reader in understanding the Church s teachings on current issues. It uses the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition translation of the complete…
This Instruction from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) provides guidance on how to respect human life and human procreation in our heavily scientific age. The Instruction occurs in three parts. The first part explains the Church s fundamental teaching on human life and procreation. The second part addresses new problems…
This easy-to-read, handy booklet has all the prayers you ll need for your Holy Hour of Adoration. Includes selected prayers from St. Faustina s Diary, hymns and prayers by St. Thomas Aquinas, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, The Divine Praises, and a guide to the Sacrament of Penance. Ideal for Adoration Chapels. O Salutaris Hostia, Daily…
Divine Mercy Image Explained, a new booklet by best-selling author Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, is an engaging read that reveals hidden gems and highlights inspiring truths about the Divine Mercy Image. It covers the great grace and key elements of the Image with remarkable depth and clarity. Also includes instructions on how to enthrone the…
The Divine Mercy Message & Devotion is the handbook that has introduced millions of souls to the life-changing message of Divine Mercy that brings hope to a hurting world. It covers every aspect of the authentic Divine Mercy message and devotion, from the Feast and Hour of Great Mercy to the Chaplet and Novena. This…
The Divine Office for Dodos from Catholic Book Publishing is a step-by-step guide to praying the official prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. For those who want to pray the Liturgy of the Hours correctly and completely, The Divine Office for Dodos contains over 90 detailed lessons with questions, helpful hints, and…
By: Donna-Marie Cooper O Boyle Pope John Paul II wrote that the little domestic church, like the greater Church, needs to be constantly and intensely evangelized: hence its duty regarding permanent education in the faith. The home is a center of living faith, a domestic church, and motherhood is a vocation. This book offers a…
The Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible, translated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner from 1749-1752, is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. It was the only Catholic translation of Scripture commonly in use for over 200 years and we maintain that it is still…
The Gospel of St. Matthew Shares with us astonishing words of Jesus: a promise of everlasting happiness, far removed from the usual recipes for gratification. Blessed are the poor in spirit! Blessed are those who mourn! Happy are the meek!… Fr. Jacques shares with us a profound clarity to the full scope of meaning behind…
On July 16, 1983, in an abandoned house on an Italian hillside, Sister Rita Petrozzi, known today as Mother Elvira, opened Comunità Cenacolo. That dilapidated building quickly became God’s hope-filled answer to the desperate cries of the many lost, lonely, drug-addicted young people who soon began knocking on its door, seeking to be reborn. A…