This Perpetual Saint Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume I, offers all the Weekday Masses with all their options and prayers. Following the liturgical year, Volume I of the Saint Joseph Weekday Missal contains all Weekday Masses from Advent to Pentecost in a handy-size flexible Missal with a sturdy brown cover. This easy-to-use missal is the perfect…
This Perpetual Saint Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume I, provides all the Weekday Masses with all their options and prayers. Covered in beautiful black bonded leather with a zipper closure, Volume I of the Saint Joseph Weekday Missal follows the liturgical year, containing all Weekday Masses from Advent to Pentecost. This easy-to-use Missal is the perfect…
“Using the Fathers and doctors of the Church, classical as well as contemporary theologians and scripture scholars, papal documents and spiritual writers, and drawing examples from everyday life, Louise Perrotta has woven together the most interesting tapestry of St. Joseph I have ever seen.” – Father Benedict Joseph Groeschel, C.F.R. What can you say about a…
Let us follow our dear Lord Jesus as he travels the Way of the Cross. He is asking us to follow him. Are you afraid? Jesus himself was afraid to walk this painful journey, but out of love for us, he did so. So for love of him, we follow. This fully illustrated version of…
If you say you are a follower of Jesus, then you must be a steward of God s creation. That is the challenge presented in this pastoral statement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. For pastors; parish and diocesan finance, development, and stewardship committees; coordinators of adult faith formation, youth ministry, and religious…
Stories From The Bible contains many wonderful tales from both the Old and New Testaments. With full-colour illustrations on every page, this book re-tells such well-known stories as Noah and his Family, Joseph and his Dreams, the Birth and Boyhood of Jesus and Saint Paul the Apostle. The book has been written with simple, clear…
In today s increasingly complicated world, it s often difficult for parents to connect with their daughters–and especially so for fathers. In this unique and invaluable guide, Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician with more than twenty years experience counseling girls, reveals that a young woman s relationship with her father is far more important than…
In The Lamb’s Supper, Scott Hahn connects the Catholic Mass with the early Christians’ understanding of the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, explaining that the mystical visions of heaven found in Revelation can shed light on the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist. This message helps readers to more fully understand their faith, and the book is…
God speaks quietly…But He gives us all kinds of signs…through a friend, through a book, or through what we see as a failure even through accidents. If I remain alert, I begin to feel how God is guiding me. — Pope Benedict XVI Discover Pope Benedict s wise and visionary perspective as a guide for your…
Build your career while you build your faith by discovering the balance and insight of one of history s greatest workers, St. Ignatius. The sixteenth-century founder of the Jesuits was especially good at seeing the supernatural dimension of the most mundane tasks, and his very practical methods of bringing Christ into the workday translate easily…
This book is rooted firmly in the official catechism of the Catholic Church. Its goal is to help young people be more knowledgable about their faith so they can walk the path of holiness in whatever calling God may give them. Perfect for parents, educators, youth groups and really all readers to better understand the…
By: Father Frank E. Papa This teenage guide for confession with an examination of conscience is a wonderful tool to assist and encourage young adults to participate in the Sacrament of confession. 59 pages. Paperback.
Are you still tempted? Then reach for this modest book by Fr. P.J. Michel, S.J., a savvy professor of theology whose wisdom and common sense have been forged not only in the classroom, but by decades of ardent prayer and service to penitent souls in the confessional. Here Fr. Michel explains where your temptations come…
Ten Battles Every Catholic Should Know offers readers richly detailed accounts of pivotal engagements—many little known in the West—in the centuries-long defense of Christendom against militant Islam. Join military historian Michael D. Greaney as, in gripping prose, he describes the struggle, primarily on Christendom’s eastern borders, against the dreaded Ottoman Turks in places such as:…
The pressure on women today has pushed many American mothers to the breaking point. It feels as if doing your best is never enough to please everyone, and the demands mothers place on themselves are both impossible and unrealistic. Now Meg Meeker, M.D., critically acclaimed author of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, puts her twenty-five years…